Maud Neprud Otjen
Maud Neprud Otjen was the first woman in Wisconsin to be a county superintendent of schools and encouraged women to be involved in civic life.
Nellie Y. McKay
Nellie Y. McKay was one of the first scholars to bring attention to the writing of African American women authors.
Zoe Dunning
Zoe Dunning was one of the only openly LGB members of the U.S. military for 13 years and spoke out against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.
Danae D. Davis
Trained as a lawyer and committed to equity, Danae Davis is passionate about “success for every child, in every school, from cradle to career.”
Milly Zantow
Milly Zantow pioneered the plastics recycling movement and invented the numbered-triangle system used for identifying different kinds of plastic.
Laura Ross Wolcott
Laura Ross Wolcott was the first woman physician in Wisconsin and was active in the women’s suffrage movement.
Glenn Wise
Glenn Wise became the first woman to hold a statewide public office in Wisconsin when she was appointed secretary of state in 1955.
Nellie Wilson
Nellie Wilson spent her life fighting for employment opportunities for women and was the first African American woman to hold a leadership position in her local steelworkers union.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
The first book in author Laura Ingalls Wilder’s popular LITTLE HOUSE series is about Wilder’s childhood in Wisconsin.
Helen C. White
Helen C. White was the first woman to hold a full professorship in the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.