Danae D. Davis
Trained as a lawyer and committed to equity, Danae Davis is passionate about “success for every child, in every school, from cradle to career.”
Dorothy Walker
Trial lawyer Dorothy Walker was the first female district attorney in Wisconsin.
Mabel Watson Raimey
Mabel Raimey was the first African American woman to graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, attend Marquette University Law School, and practice law in Wisconsin.
Vel Phillips
Vel Phillips achieved many firsts, including first woman and first African American to be elected to the statewide office of secretary of state.
Belle Case La Follette
Belle Case La Follette was the first woman to graduate from law school in Wisconsin and an outspoken advocate for women's right to vote.
Lavinia Goodell
Lavinia Goodell was the first female lawyer admitted to the bar of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Kimberlé Crenshaw
Kimberlé Crenshaw, a leader in critical race theory, introduced the term "intersectionality" to describe the multiple ways people can be oppressed.
Carin Clauss
Carin Clauss was the first woman Solicitor in the U.S. Department of Labor.
Angie Brooks
Angie Brooks is best known as the first African woman to serve as president of the United Nations General Assembly.
Shirley Abrahamson
Shirley S. Abrahamson was the first woman justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the first female chief justice in state history.