County: Outagamie

Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill

Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill was the second Native American woman in the US to earn a medical degree and was the primary caregiver for the Oneida Reservation for many years.

Mai Zong Vue

Mai Zong Vue is a Hmong refugee of the Vietnam War and a leading advocate for the Hmong community in Wisconsin.
Image description: A black-and-white headshot of Lorena Hickok.

Lorena Hickok

Lorena "Hick" Hickok was a journalist during the U.S. Great Depression and a close friend of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Image description: A black-and-white photo of Edna Ferber writing at a desk.

Edna Ferber

Edna Ferber was a short story writer, playwright, and Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist who portrayed strong women characters.
Image description: A black-and-white portrait-style photo of Electa Quinney.

Electa Quinney

Electa "Wuhwehweeheemeew" Quinney was Wisconsin's first public schoolteacher.
Image description: A headshot of Mee Moua.

Mee Moua

Mee Moua was the first Hmong American to be elected to a state legislature in the U.S.
Image description: A headshot of Hellen Kort.

Ellen Kort

Ellen Kort was Wisconsin’s first poet laureate.