Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill
Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill was the second Native American woman in the US to earn a medical degree and was the primary caregiver for the Oneida Reservation for many years.
Mai Zong Vue
Mai Zong Vue is a Hmong refugee of the Vietnam War and a leading advocate for the Hmong community in Wisconsin.
Lorena Hickok
Lorena "Hick" Hickok was a journalist during the U.S. Great Depression and a close friend of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Edna Ferber
Edna Ferber was a short story writer, playwright, and Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist who portrayed strong women characters.
Electa Quinney
Electa "Wuhwehweeheemeew" Quinney was Wisconsin's first public schoolteacher.
Mee Moua
Mee Moua was the first Hmong American to be elected to a state legislature in the U.S.
Ellen Kort
Ellen Kort was Wisconsin’s first poet laureate.