Wisconsin Biographies
PBS Wisconsin Education
Grades 3-8
“Wisconsin Biographies” is a collection of free media resources that uses biographies of people from Wisconsin to teach about the state’s history. Educational materials include short animated videos, leveled books, cross-curricular online activities, a gallery of historic images, and lesson plans.
Wisconsin Women’s History
Wisconsin Historical Society
Grades 3-12
Teachers will find essays, books for students, and primary source materials to incorporate into their lesson plans. Wisconsin Historical Society collections cover women in early Wisconsin history from the 1700s to the World War II era in the 1940s.
Women’s History
Library of Congress
Grades 3-12
Students will learn about diverse women when they examine primary sources such as print materials, photographs, and webcasts. Lesson plans and other educational materials are included.
Digital Classroom Resources
National Women’s History Museum
Grades 6-8
Explore classroom-ready resources created by the Museum and through the “For Educators, by Educators” initiative. There are lesson plans, biographies, posters, primary sources, and more. You can search by topic, theme, or resource type.
Grades 6-12
Students can explore careers in the fields of science and technology using this resource about women working at NASA.
Women in World History Curriculum
Women in World History
Grades 6-12
Guide your students in discovering women’s influence on world history by using these thematic units, biographies, and lesson plans.
Women Watch
United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality
Grades 9-12
This resource highlights the United Nations work for international women’s rights, as well as the advancement and empowerment of women. Demographic information on women around the world and texts of international treaties are available for students to analyze.
Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Grades 3-12
This interactive timeline uses video, audio, and still images to tell the story of women’s suffrage in the United States.
Reforming Their World: Women in the Progressive Era
National Women’s History Museum
Grades 3-12
Students learn about women in the Progressive Era using this self-guided series of short essays and historical photos.
Biographies of Women
Women’s International Center
Grades 6-12
Explore the lives of notable women from around the world using this collection of short biographies.